I understand that many people do have problems weaving with chenille yarns. There are many different chenilles-rayon, cotton, synthetic, silk-and each possess their own qualities, making some chenilles much easier to use than others. I would avoid using synthetic chenille yarn. It won't stand up to long term use at all. I would suggest that cotton chenille is the best behaved of this type of yarn, but will not give you the beautiful, shimmering results of a rayon or silk chenille. Your end product will determine which yarn you choose. I most often use rayon chenille yarn for scarves, shawls and blankets. This variety of chenille takes the dye beautifully, resulting in deep, rich hues. I usually use 1450 yd/lb chenille, but have also used 2000 yd/lb yarn for shawls. The finer chenille makes a better fabric for the larger work. The most important point when working with the rayon chenille is to set the warp very closely or you will get 'worming' down the road. Give chenille a try. You will love the results and so will the public.
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